F35-B Lightning
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Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II embodies capabilities based on Advanced Short Take-Off/Vertical Landing (ASTOVL) . A supersonic successor to the Harrier. The STOVL Strike Fighter (SSF) research ran from 1987 to 1994.
Sim2do created this simulator based on the Short Take Off Vertical Landing (STOVL) variant of the F-35, known as the F35-B.
EX Red Arrow Pilot Feedback
Hi Kenneth,
I thought I would email you personally to thank you very much indeed for the outstanding and comprehensive F35-B simulator session yesterday. The cockpit is an excellent replica with very representative hand controls and touch screen; the flight simulation is impressively dynamic and demanding, especially "parking" on a flat-top!
Both Chris and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience although 'old dog and new tricks' came to mind, but with limited 'hands-on' aviation experience Chris embraced the hand/eye challenge very well and was justifiably proud of himself.
The task of replicating the F-35B hardware and synchronising a control and visual software package will have been immense and you are to be complimented on the high standard of simulation achieved, no mean technical feat.
We look forward very much to using your facilities in the future and will express our appreciation on social media before long.
Kindest regards,
Peter Day